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About the work

Pretty Woman

The Dumbo location in Brooklyn is well photographed and that is
no surprise as it encapsulates so much of what makes New York
the most vibrant city on the planet. Those with a visual sensibility
are drawn to the symmetry of the old warehouses, the industrial
beauty of Manhattan Bridge and the Empire State Building peeking
out in the background. Even when cars litter the street, the frame
offers a celebration of urban beauty. To tell a story here, I played
on the iconic Pretty Woman movie from 1990. Of course, we
would be swapping New York for LA, but it is not as if the kind of
exchange suggested in the photograph is alien to the Big Apple.
Theatrical and smart, I knew Brooks Nader could play Vivian well;
after all, she dressed the same way for her Halloween night last
year. Better still, her husband Billy, who is in the car, accompanied
her as Ed. She knew the look for this image and smashed it. But
it was a team effort and in particular, we would like to thank the
New York Police Department for their support early that morning
in Brooklyn. They gave us an hour after sunrise with no parked cars
and no traffic.

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