View more artworks by David Yarrow

About the work

Breaking Bad

It has taken many years to capture a photograph strong
enough to be worthy of the name Breaking Bad. An epic,
game-changing series, anything that borrows the name must be visually
appropriate as well as eye-grabbing and powerful. I had long
sensed that the concept of filming with Cindy Crawford in a
Californian biker bar had potential, especially if the bikers had a
palpable sense of menace and trouble. I knew that she could hold
her own playing a bad ass and there could be unity across the
ensemble, irrespective of the apparent rogue member. I need a
collective, not six or seven individuals.The interior of Joshua Tree
Saloon offered a great canvas on which to paint this story. I required
as much information in one frame as possible, and this demanded
that I use width rather than height. When I saw the result, I sensed
I had my Breaking Bad shot. There is nothing I would change in it,
and I think Bryan Cranston et al would feel rather at home in this
saloon. There seems little appetite for cultural refinement or
mundane conversation.It is always a privilege to work with Cindy. She
absolutely smashed it and now we have the long sought-after picture

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